等 级:资深长老 |
经 验 值:4198 |
魅 力 值:962 |
龙 币:11292 |
积 分:5547.8 |
注册日期:2004-11-09 |
词汇(Word Bank)
virtuous adj.善良的
modest adj.谦虚的
generous adj.慷慨大方的
nevertheless conj.然而
obstacle n.障碍
intrigue vt.激起……的兴趣,用诡计取得
dynamic adj.有活力的,动力的
hype n.大肆宣传,大做广告
details n.细节, 详情(详细描写)
dominant adj.有统治权的
Athens n.雅典(希腊首都)
Crack vi.突破
poll n.民意测验
medal podium 领奖台
International icon 国际偶像
press conference 记者招待会
rebound n.篮板球
block n.抢断
dunk n.灌篮
three-point shot n.三分球
front court n.前场
mid-court n.中场
back court n.后场
*What's your impression of Yaoming?
*I reckon he was so cool in that match at the Olympic Games.
*My thoughts exactly!
*I wonder why MacDonald's invited Yaoming as it's speaks person?
*Personally, I feel that he is not good enough.
*Maybe Yao has international appeal and can represent the character of MacDonald's.
*Yao was so cool in the match at the Olympic Games.
*What a pity I can't see his style of having a beard! Cool!
*I like Yaoming not only because he is a charming、tall and good-looking man, but also because he is a virtuous、modest and generous kind of person.
*Sure! He's youthful, dynamic and has a sense of humor.
*What's more he is loyal to his girlfriend.
*Oh,really! He's showing his potential both on and off the basketball court.
*I believe the Houston Rocket team will get a good result with Yao's help.
*Sure! It is obvious that Yaoming's appearance in NBA evokes many feelings of national pride.
*It's wonderful! You know, obviously Yaoming is the best basketball player in Asia now.
*But from what I can see, he is still not strong enough to be considered one of the best in the NBA .
*All right, there is still quite a long way for him to go to be a real basketball superstar such as Sharq, Kobe, and so forth.
*Yaoming's successes are attributed to his unremitting efforts and strong willpower.
*I think he endured a lot on his way to success, and he will suffer more in the future.
*Nevertheless, I think he will show a strength of will that overcome all obstacles.
Issue ceremony for Chinese version of Yaoming's autobiography was hold on October 16 (Beijing time 7:00 P.M) at Beijing Hotel.
【east.net Aug. 02,2004】Yaoming's salary will amount to $15.69 million in four years.
【China Daily Oct. 07,2004】He's hyping a new book on 10/7/2004 .He has written a book titled Yao: A Life In Two Worlds, which details his journey from China to the NBA.
【China Daily Aug. 4,2004】Yao Ming figures to be the dominant big man in Olympic basketball at the Athens Games, giving China a chance to crack the top seven for the first time with hopes of the medal podium by 2008 in Beijing.
【China Daily Jun. 11,2004】International icon and basketball star Yao Ming was welcomed to the Special Olympics family as a Special Olympics Global Ambassador at a press conference on 11 June 2004 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Shanghai, China.
【CRIENGLISH网 6月11日消息】民意测验显示,中国NBA明星姚明被评为中国最受欢迎的运动员。
【CRIENGLISH.com Jun. 11, 2004】--Chinese NBA star Yao Ming topped a Chinese poll of favorite athletes, reported.
【China Daily Jan. 13,2004】Yao Ming is the newly named most powerful athlete according to Sporting News Magazine's top 100 most powerful people in US sports.
姚明个人档案(Yaoming's Personal File)
Yao Ming
国籍(Nationality):中国 (China)
出生城市(Birth place):上海(Shanghai)
出生日期(Birthday):1980年9月12日 (09/12/1980)
身高(Height): 229cm
体重(Weight): 141kg (296 lb)
场上位置(Position):中锋 (center)
场上编号(Number): 11
所属团队(Team):中国男篮(China men's basketball);火箭 (Rocket)
-- 球妈的淘宝店主营爱康国宾体检业务:
qiuqiu0118.taobao.com 有需要联系我,暗号:回龙观 |