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My favourite Festival is Mid-Autumn Festival, It is on the 15th day of August.At this day ,I can get up early, and then cook breakfast for dad and mum.after eat that,my mother、father and I go to the supermarket .we want to buy some mooncakes for dinner.
At noon ,we go to a restaurant and eat many dilicious food. we all eat happy. about 6 PM. we go to grandfather's house and spend this time together.
In the evening ,the moon usually is round and bright ,people can enjoy the moon .my family sit around the table ,drink juice and tea,eat dilicious mooncakes and fruit .we talk about all kinds of interesting things 、watch TV 、play games .everybody enjoy good time.
At this time ,I feel every happiness.so I like Mid-Autumn Festival.
2007-03-23 09:03:11   此文章已经被查看1164次   
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