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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:5092
魅 力 值:1969
龙    币:16896
积    分:8090.1
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Let your child see you read, and read to and with her/him.
Tell family stories.
Limit television watching.
Visit the library; make sure she/he has a library card.
Have books and other reading materials in the house.
Look up words in the dictionary together.
Encourage the use of an encyclopedia.
Share favorite poems and songs with.
Talk about school and learning activities in family conversations.
Take trips to museums and historical sites when possible.
Encourage activities that support learning: educational games, trips to local museums and chores that teach responsibility.
Discuss world events.
Ask your child what was discussed in classes that day.
Teach your child to do things for her/himself.
Go exploring and learn about plants, animals and geography.
Find your child a quiet study area.
Review homework together.
Show interest by attending school activities, shows and sporting events.
Get to know your child’s teachers, friends and their parents.

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