《亲子小屋》显示文章详细内容: [展开] [回复] [网址] [举报] [屏蔽]
等    级:居民
经 验 值:23
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龙    币:63
积    分:34.6
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wanna carry you in the arm for ever
----I want you to always be holding.
looking at you are sleeping with sweet smile
----- looking at your sweet smile in sleep

but you will grow up and fly away
----- one day, you will be grown up and fly away

that can't be blocked
----- I know that can't be stop

dear my son
---but my dear son

please be reminded
------please keep it in your mind

mom will behind you
-------your mum will be standing forever behind you

hold out my hands to you
------I will reach out my hands evertime you need

when you need
2009-09-09 13:36:56   此文章已经被查看244次   
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