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滑雪那集最好看了,里面的插曲《Piece Of My Heart》印象很深。
歌名:Piece Of My Heart

How could this happen, I don't understand
Falling in love was just not in my plan
But I want you to know,
You just got a piece of my heart

I've been through the changes
I've walked through the pain
I've told myself I would never do this again
But I want you to know,
You just got a piece of my heart

'Cause love has been a stranger,
Love has been cruel
Lovin's made me feel like the world's one and only fool
And I promised myself I would never trust my heart again

I protected my feelings
I fought to be free
I can't believe I would let this happen to me
But I want you to know
You just got a piece of my heart

Tell me where did you come from
Tell me who sent you here
Whatever the reason, girl God made the message clear
'Cause nobody else can make me feel the way that you do
I just gotta say
That the struggle is over
My story's true, I finally realized
I want to spend my life with you
'Cause you are the one that changed the way I feel
And I swear I know this time it's real

Never in my lifetime, in my wildest dreams
Could I ever ever imagine the love that you brought to me
'Cause you are the one that changed the way I feel

How could this happen, I don't understand
Falling in love was just not in my plan
But I want you to know,
You just got a piece of my heart
But I want you to know,
You just got a piece of my heart
Just got a piece of my heart
2009-12-07 17:27:56   此文章已经被查看549次   
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