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In later years, I dreamed about the building again and again. The dreams were similar, variations no one dream and one theme. I'm walking through a strange town and I see the house. It's one in a row of building in a district I don't know. I go on, confused, because the house is familiar but its surroundings are not. Then I realize that I've seen the house before. I'm not picturing Bahnhofstrasse in my home town, but another city, or another country. For example, in my dream I'm in Rome, see the house, and realize I've seen it already in Berlin. This dream recognition comforts me; seeing the house again in defferent surroundings is no more surprising than encountering an old friend by chance in a strange place. I turn around, walk back to the house, and climb the steps. I want to go in. I turn the door handle.
But I do not open the door. I wake up knowing simply that I took hold of the knob and turned it. Then the whole dream comes back to me, and I know that I've dreamed it before.
2011-04-07 23:09:07   此文章已经被查看666次   
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