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今天整理了一下California Science K阶段的学习内容,有兴趣的家长可以看一看哦
Chapter 1: Objects all around
What are some kinds of objects?
How can you use your senses to observe objects?
What are these objects made of?
How can you describe objects?
What objects does a magnet attract?
Does it flat or sink?

Chapter 2: Water
What is water?
How can water change?
How can ice change?
Where does rainwater go?

Chapter 3: Learning About Plants and Animals
What do plants and animals need?
How do plants and animals get food?
How are the plants alike? How are the plants different?
How are animals alike?
How are animals different?
How can you tell which plants and animals are real?

Chapter 4: Plant and animal parts
How do plant parts do?
What do animals parts do?
How do plants and animals change?
How can you care for plants and animals?

Chapter 5: Our Land, Air, and Water
What makes up Earth?
What are some of Earth's landforms?
Where is water found on Earth?
How can Earth's surface change?

Chapter6: Weather
How can weather change?
How can you measure weather ?
What is spring?
What is summer?
What is fall?
What is winter?
What can weather change?

Chapter 7: Earth's Resources
How do we use resources from Earth?
How do we use land?
How do we use water and air?
How can people care for natural resources?
How can you help care for Earth?

2012-01-06 08:21:07   此文章已经被查看1304次   
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