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我的疑问是,"sensitive period"是“key period”的另外一个叫法。既然叫关键期是针对幼儿园大脑的形成而说的,0-3岁的年龄段将完成大脑几乎100%的发育。而大脑又有很多的功能分区分别决定着人的语言、运动、视觉等等能力的完善与发展,因此相对于儿童的生物机理存在着关键期。在这个层面上说,这是儿童“本我”形成的重要阶段。关键2字如果处在一生当中任何时候或多次出现,哪里还来的“关键”呢?您提到完全属于兴趣的范畴,是“自我”和“超我”的事情。而兴趣跟环境及其相关而与人的生理不相关,而兴趣的持久又是以人的优势为支撑的,失去优势的激励任何的兴趣不但会变的没有办法持久而且失去深度。这就是是有的人从事着自己的兴趣,而有些人的工作&兴趣是2回事,一生也无法从兴趣中的到更多。



The "critical period" term is used in specific regard to language development. There had been research in the past that proved basically, that "old dogs can't learn new tricks," and that acquisition of language had to occur by a specific age. If it did not, then under that theory, a person could not learn a second language completely fluently if they did not learn it by that predicted age.

However, with modern neuroscience research, it is now known that the brain does maintain plasticity (ability to learn) throughout a person's lifetime, and there is no longer a set "critical period" for learning language. Most of the "critical period" research was based on a time before modern neuroscience.
(此文由echo-g在2006-02-09 11:03:38编辑过)

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