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A cross to bear

你可以说什么东西是 a cross to bear, 也可以说 to bear a cross比如:
It's a cross to bear if you need to raise a family.
It's the right time to bear this cross.

大家要注意 bear 作为名词是熊,作为动词的意思比较多,但是我们经常说的就是带有某样性质,表明,承担等意思。
比如 bear responsibility =take on responsibility

如果谁被bear down了,就是说某人被打跨了,如果某人 bear down就是说全力去做什么。意思不一样。
You will complete the mission of speaking nice english if you bear down.

Bear up 可以用来说那些不畏惧困难和压力的,能顶压力做事情。
Learning english is a cross to bear, but we can bear up the pressure. we can make it.

Bear in mind
Bear in mind that we should learn english everyday, never give it up anytime.

I\\\'ll never call it a day unless the most wanted could be captured in person, whatever you do, wherever you are, I\\\'ll get the hold of you, this is Agent Bauer!!
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2006-10-25 18:20:27   此文章已经被查看101次   
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