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5.27日学习 A--from aback to aboriginal
1. ABACK adv           only in taken aback ie surprised(esp unpleasantly)
he was taken aback by the news
2. ABANDON vt          give up ,have no more concern with
we had to abandon the plan we first thought of
ABANDONED adj        left ,deserted
we came to an old abandoned house
ABANDON onself       allow onself to be carried away by one's feelings
she abandoned herself to a life of pleasure
3. ABASHED adj          not sure what to do or say (usu becoz of the behaviour or words of                                              other people)
4. ABHOR vt            hate very strongly
spitting in the street is a practice i abhor
5 ABIDE BY           be faithful to ,follow(a law,custom or agreement etc)
we must abide by the rules of the game
6. ABLAZE adv/pre/adj      on fire ,very bright ,full of emotion
the house was ablaze with light
his followers are ablaze with enthusiasm
7 ABLE adj           hving the power or cleverness to do sth OR not weak although old
are you able to help me?
the old woman was still quite able
8 ALL ABOARD          for the passengers to enter a ship which is about to start
9 ABOLISH vt          stop sth(esp by law)
the usa goverment abolished slavery
10 ABORIGINAL adj        living or existing in a country from the earliest times 输入指定颜色的文本
(此文由远离尘嚣在2003-05-28 13:51:56编辑过)

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-05-27 15:58:12   此文章已经被查看76次   
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