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5月31日学习 A-from accurate to acquire
1 accurate adj
completely right,correct
2 accustom vt
learn to accept trouble,diffculty etc without complaint
you must accustom yourself to hard work
3 ace nc
value 1 in cards,a person who is very good at sth
4 ache nc
pain which goes on for some time
5 achieve vt
get by successfully doing sth
the runner achieved his ambition of running one mile in 4 minutes
6 acknowledge vt
admit,generally agree about the position or value of
7 acme (请注意读音) nu
highest point to be reached
the ambitious man has reached the acme of his career
8 acoustic adj
with reference to hearing or sound
9 acquaint vt
inform,tell,make aware
make the acquaintance of sb
10 acquire vt
get by one's own efforts
acquire a reputation for sth be well-known for one's ability or behavior输入指定颜色的文本
(此文由远离尘嚣在2003-05-31 10:49:34编辑过)

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-05-31 10:48:55   此文章已经被查看62次   
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