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Title: Divorce business style? (离婚模式进行曲)

The setup - my friend's partner wants to go into business for himself dissolving their four
year relationship.....

My friend: "Fred should have been forthright and just told me the deal was off instead of
making me go through all this second hand information I got through the grapevine...

Me: Yes, he wasn't very upfront...you know trustworthy...

He: (ANGRY) I didn't say that! Stop trying to make this yours. I said precisely what I
meant to say. Stop changing my words...you don't understand how the business works...
注释:(男人发火了,“make this yours”自以为是;“changing my words”,偷换我的话,多简洁)

She: (trudging off to get out of the line of fire) whatever.... okay..Yeah, okay whatever
you say....
注释:(她的女友还是招架不住,闪了,“trudging off”闪开话锋,“okay whatever
you say”.你说什么都对!这是女孩赌气时候最喜欢说的话吧?:))

He: Sheesh...what kind of personality nitpicks semantics? It drives me crazy, cuz every word I say is like weighed for absolute accuracy...
注释:男的还是不依不饶,“cuz every word I say is like weighed for absolute accuracy...

Me: Is he a control freaks, and needs to own his words?
And how do you deal with someone who has such a NARROW definition of conversation?

注释:作为好友的我,一定是偏向自己朋友骂这个男人的。”Control freak” 控制狂,那种特别有兴趣以绝对优势压倒别人的人。“deal with”这里是相处的意思。“NARROW definition of conversation“表面意思是“对交谈定义过于狭窄”,其实还是说那男人不够宽容,说话不让人。



Some daffy woman blindly trying to agree with what I say would piss me off too. Just stand there
and coo, ok?
注释:这人自以为很有见解地说“女人要是完全盲目地相信我说的也会让我发火”,”piss off” 发火的意思。Coo这个词这里很有意思,不是鸟叫,是象小鸟一样说情话的意思!

My wife will make overall personality judgments on them based on one statement I make, especially if it’s a female co-worker. These are co-workers of mine my wife has yet to meet, and I haven’t given her enough information to jump to any conclusions.
注释:这个人是骂老婆来的,她的老婆好像比较唐僧,看。只要他老公说到一个女员工,她就要对人家进行长篇大论的人格评价。“overall personality judgments”全面的人格评价,注意”Jump to conclusion”的用法,知道得出结论的新用法了吧!



http://oldwang.com,An English cartoon portal hosted by Chinese.||中国人老王,就一普通中国人的英语主题漫画网站!
2003-06-08 11:44:24   此文章已经被查看81次   
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