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6 月16日阅读,纽约时报~
  Fight Takes Fatal Turn
Cops say woman ran over husband

By Bart Jones
Staff Writer

June 16, 2003

Joanne and Frank Riva went out to celebrate their wedding anniversary Saturday night, but when they got home an argument broke out and the allegedly drunk woman ran over her husband and fled the scene, Suffolk County police said.

Frank Riva, 49, died of head injuries and was found by police lying on the street in front of the couple's home at 8 Winwood Lane in Holbrook. His wife was arrested a few hours later at her brother's homein Oakdale, where she had fled.

Det. Lt. Edward P. Reilly, commanding officer of the Fifth Precinct, told a news conference that as of Sunday police did not believe Riva purposely ran over her husband. "It doesn't appear to be an intentional act, but we're still investigating," Reilly said.

Riva, 48, was arraigned Sunday in First District Court in Central Islip on charges of driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of a fatal accident. She was being held Sunday in Suffolk County jail in Riverhead in lieu of $20,000 bond.

No one at the family's home would comment Sunday. Neighbors said the couple has two grown children who live at home, Danae, 21, and Frank Jr., 19.

Neighbors, one of whom called the area a "Mayberry"-type place where "nothing ever happens," said they were stunned by Riva's death. They described the couple as generally happy, hard-working people who would lend a hand to people in need.

"This is such a shocker like you can't believe," said next-door neighbor Jerry Donatelli. "And on Father's Day."

Det. Sgt. Robert Haack said the couple had gone out to eat Saturday night and returned home shortly after 10 p.m. The two began arguing in the car on the way home, and the fight continued inside the house, police said. Then they both went back outside and Joanne Riva got into her gray 2003 Chevy Trailblazer and ran over her husband, Haack said. Police said they do not know what the couple was arguing about, how long they were married or where they had been celebrating earlier that night.

But police said they had been called to the house several times for domestic disputes, once as recently as last year.

Police could not say whether Joanne Riva backed over her husband or hit him head-on.

At about 10:25 p.m., witnesses who heard the argumentcalled police to say there was a body in the street.

Joanne Riva, meanwhile, drove several miles to Oakdale, where she parked her car near the intersection of Yale Avenue and Riverdale Drive and walked a couple of blocks to her brother's house, police said. Her brother eventually called police to report what had happened, and Riva was arrested at the home. Her SUV was impounded for analysis.

Reilly said it is possible the charges against Riva may be upgraded by the Suffolk County district attorney's office.

The Riva family had lived on Winwood Lane for about 15 years, neighbors said. Frank Riva was a construction worker who rode the 4:06 a.m. train out of Ronkonkoma to Penn Station every morning, according to Donatelli, who took the same train. Riva had recently helped his son, Frank Riva Jr., get into a construction workers' union and land a job. "He was a fine man," Donatelli said.

Another neighbor who did not want to be identified indicated that there were tensions in the Riva household at times. "They're pretty nice people," he said. "They had their problems."

But Donatelli said he did not know of any unusual strife. "They had the same boring life that we do," he said, adding: "He didn't deserve to go out this way."

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-06-16 18:20:52   此文章已经被查看71次   
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