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  FBI Names NYC One of Safest Cities

By Melanie Lefkowitz
Staff Writer

June 16, 2003, 6:01 PM EDT

As an FBI report named New York one of the safest large cities in America, three more homicides overnight pushed the weekend death toll to 13.

The spike in slayings upped the city's homicide count to 254 since Jan. 1, a 5.4 percent increase over 2002.

In the week ending Sunday, there were 22 killings, compared with 10 the same week the year before. Crime overall remained down about 8 percent for the year so far, statistics show.

This weekend's 13 slayings spanned just under 48 hours, from 2 a.m. Saturday to about 1 a.m. Monday. On average this year, there have been between one and two homicides a day.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters he saw no broader significance to the two-day spike.

"One weekend doesn't a crime wave make," Bloomberg said. "All the statistics show the men and women of the Police Department and everyone who cooperates with them are doing a superb job. And in one weekend, we have a number of tragedies, that doesn't change anything."

The rise in killings coincided with the release of preliminary data from the FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report, which listed New York near the bottom of 225 cities ranked in order of highest crime rates for 2002. The city placed 203rd overall and had the lowest crime rate of the 25 largest cities.

In its crime rate -- the number of crimes per 100,000 residents -- the report ranks New York between Garden Grove, Calif. and Henderson, Nev. Crime also decreased far more sharply in the city -- 4.5 percent -- than the national average of .2 percent.

In Brooklyn Sunday night, a 24-year-old man was killed after what police described as a fight with the boyfriend of his child's mother. Ramone Ellis, 24, of East Flatbush, was stabbed several times in the torso about 11 p.m., police said. Rubin Bramble, 28, of Canarsie, was later arrested in connection with the slaying.

Also Sunday night, in Jamaica, a 21-year-old man was found shot in the neck on a basketball court at 8:30 p.m. Police believe Jamal Gregory of Jamaica was shot somewhere else and fled, collapsing outside PS 223 at 125th Street and Sutphin Boulevard before he died.

In Harlem at 12:48 a.m. Monday, police responding to a 911 call found Damien Samuels, 17, shot in the chest on West 136th Street. He was pronounced dead at 1:45 a.m. at Harlem Hospital Center.

long arm of coincidence here~
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