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我也来发一片吧。Bite the Bullet
For some time now, nobody seems to have a solution for inflation. Not one that is satisfactory to everbody. But during the administration of President Ford he offered one on national television. He used the phrase, "to bite the bullet." The words were ont new, but they spred across the country.
Mr. Ford cooled on Americans "to bite the bullet" and make personal sacrifices. This, he said, would help to halt inflation.
He urged them to eat less, use less gasoline, to spend less and save more. He appealed to them to do whatever was necessary to fight inflation, no matter how unpleasant.
Such is the meaning of "to bite the bullet" - to do something quickly, eith no further delay, no matter how painful the action may be.
But what does biting the bullet have to do with all this? A reason sonable question. This is the explanation: As we all know,people in great pain sometimes tighten their fists, or clench their teeth, or bite down hard on a finger, It seems to ease their pain. Years ago, on the battlefield, one did not find pain-killing drugs, And it is said that during emergency operations, soldiers would bite a bullet , to ease their suffering.
This old phrase came back to life in the 1960's. Former President Nixon used it in 1968. He asked Congress " to bite the bullet" and approve his proposal for a tax increse, a ten-precent surcharge on income taxes.

2003-06-19 17:59:07   此文章已经被查看144次   
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