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  Rain, Rain Go Away . . .

By Sumathi Reddy
Staff Writer

June 20, 2003

It's funny, almost. It's June, and summer officially starts Saturday.

And yet here we are, dealing with rain nearly every day, seemingly all the time.

Most people are like crossing guard Linda Beviano, who stood on Deer Park Avenue Thursday, her bright orange rain coat and shower cap glistening with rain drops. "The rain is driving me crazy," said Beviano, 46, of North Babylon. "So much rain. I'm sick of it."

Don't count on it to end, just yet. The forecast calls for more -- you guessed it -- rain, possibly through Sunday.

"There will be periods of rain, may be heavy at times," said David Wally, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Upton. "It looks like through at least most of Sunday. ... And it's going to stay cloudy and overcast.

"It's not going to be pleasant."

No records have been broken yet.

So far, 9.75 inches of rain has fallen at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton this month, said Victor Cassella, a meteorologist. That's about 3 inches shy of the record 12.85 inches in June 1982 but far above the average of 3.43 inches, he said.

According to the National Weather Service in Upton, which keeps records only for Central Park in Manhattan, there have been 8.3 inches of rain this month. The all-time record there is 9.78 inches in June 1903.

Not everyone has the summertime blues over the perpetual rain.

The pool-like puddle on Gale Severs-Lopes' driveway on West Shore Road in Oakdale makes for quite some fun for her 3-year-old son and her neighbors' children, ages 4 and 2.

Thursday they splashed and ran through the puddle -- 6 feet wide, 75 feet long and 6 inches deep -- and collected worms.

"That's basically what we do now, even when it's raining," said Severs-Lopes, 35. "It rains every day," she added. "We gotta get out somehow."

Other parents are struggling to come up with things to do. Some, such as Lindenhurst resident Louise Serafino, have taken to letting her children -- ages 2, 4 and 7 -- roller skate and ride toys through the house.

Others, such as Robert Vinicombe, 33, of Deer Park, went to Chuck E. Cheese's in West Islip Thursday. "This has taken a toll on the kids," Vinicombe said as his 3-year-old son, Dylan, tugged on him. "They're going crazy indoors. ... It's like cabin fever."

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-06-20 19:18:59   此文章已经被查看58次   
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