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6月28日 A--from arrears to artificial
1 arrears npl
amounts of money which should hv been paid,but were not
be in arrears be late in paying
2 arrest vt
take to prison,bring before a judge
under arrest held by the police and charged
3 arrive vi
come to a place,reach a time
arrive at a decision decide what to do
4 arrogant adj
showing very great pride
5 arsenal nc
building where guns and ammunition are stored or made
6 arson nu
crime of burning property(esp buildings)
7 articulate vt/i
speak clearly
clear,well arranged,easy to understand
he gave a very articulate account of what had happened
8 artifact nc
any object made by human skill
9 artifice nc
clever trick
10 artificial adj
not real,not natural
electricity gives us artificial light输入指定颜色的文本

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-06-28 11:59:22   此文章已经被查看72次   
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