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6月29日学习A--from artisan to aslant
1 artisan nc
man who has been trained to work with his hands
2 ascend vt/i
go up,climb up
ascend the throne become queen or king
3 ascendancy nu
controlling power
4 ascertain vt
find out,discover,make sure
the detectives are trying to ascertain the truth
5 ascetic nc
person who doesnt allow himself any pleasure and comforts
6 ash nc/u
dust which is left after sth has been burned
7 ashamed pred adj
feeling unhappy because one has done sth wrong or foolish or becoz one is less clever,rich,strong etc
he was ashamed of his failure
8 ashore adv
(us with reference to ships and sailors)on or to the shore
9 aside adv
on or to one side
10 aslant adv/prep,adj
in a slanting direction,at an angel to the horizontal or vertical

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-06-29 15:24:25   此文章已经被查看32次   
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