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Subject: Saddam vs. George W. Bush
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Saddam is still alive",
Saddam decided to send George W. Bush a letter in his own writing to let him
know that he is still in the game.

Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:


George W. couldn't figure it out so he typed it out and emailed it to Colin
Powell. Colin and his aides had no clue either so they sent it to the CIA.
No one could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to
MIT and NASA and the Secret Service... the list got longer and longer.

Eventually they asked Mossad in Israel for help. Cpt. Moishe Pippick took
one look at it and replied:

"Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down..."

2003-07-01 08:40:42   此文章已经被查看93次   
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