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6月30日,7月1日学习 A--from asleep to assimilate
1 asleep adj
my foot is asleep,probably because i've been lying on it
2 asphalt nu
black substance used in making roads
3 aspire vi
be eager to reach
4 aspirin nu
medicine which lessen pain
5 ass nc
foolish person
6 assail vt
assailant attacker
7 assassinate vt
murder sb by a sudden attack(usu for a political reason)
assassin nc person who assassinates
8 assault vt/nc
9 assemble vt/i
gather together,bring together
assembly nc
number of people gathered together for a special purpose
10 assent vi
agree to,say yes to
the committe assented to our proposals
11 assert vt
say very firmly
he asserted his innocence
12 asset nc
sth valuable or useful which gives one an advantage,property which one owns
13 assiduous adj
working steadily and paying great attention to details
14 assign vt
give as a share or duty
15 assimilate vt/i
take in and make like oneself
nations like australia,which attracts immigrants,try to assimilate them very quickly
(此文由远离尘嚣在2003-07-01 12:15:50编辑过)

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-07-01 12:12:31   此文章已经被查看97次   
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