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How to register a domain name in China / 在中国申请域名
This week I ran a thorough research regarding domain name registration in China. If you are considering to apply for a domain name for personal or business use, you will find the following information helpful:

I. What types of domain name can an entity apply for in PRC?
1. A second-level domain name registered directly under .cn, e.g. "abcde.cn".
2. A third-level domain name registered under second-level domain, e.g. "abcde.com.cn" or "deutsche-bank.net.cn" or "abcde.bj.cn"...
3. A top-level domain name (e.g. "abcde.com" or "abcde.biz") which is registered overseas while the application can also be easily processed via a CNNIC accredited domestic registrar.

II. Who is eligible to apply for a domain name under the rules of CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center), the management institution of domain names / common websites pursuant to related laws and regulations?
"An applicant for registration (hereinafter refers to as "the Applicant") of a domain name shall be an entity which is registered according to the relevant laws and capable of independently assuming civil responsibility." (Article 4 of CNNIC Implementing Rules of Domain Name Registration)

III. To whom the application shall be submitted to?
The application shall be submitted to any of the CNNIC Accredited Domestic Registrars, an updated list of the Registrars can be found at the links below:
该网址不再展示 (in Chinese)
该网址不再展示 (in English)

IV. How to apply for a domain name in line with the rules of CNNIC?
1. The Applicant shall submit the application form of Domain Name Registration to the Registrar on-line or by email, or other means. The standard application form can be found at this link:
After checking with a few Registrars, it is believed that NO supporting document is required, such as business licence, however the Applicant shall make sure that all company information (such as company name, registration address) filled in the application form is correct, authentic and strictly consistent with the information contained in its business license and company chop.
2. After submission of the application form, a processing fee will be charged by the Registrar, the price may vary at each Registrar.
3. The Applicant shall sign a Registration Agreement with the Registrar (one of the accredited registrars as listed in the links as above). In the Agreement, the Applicant shall make the following representations (Article 7 of CNNIC Implementing Rules of Domain Name Registration):
"1.1 abide by the laws and the regulations in relation to the Internet;
1.2 abide by China Internet Domain Name Regulations and other relevant rules of governmental authorities;
1.3 abide by these Implementation Rules and CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy;
1.4 the truthfulness, accuracy and integrity of the submitted information."
4. If the payment is made and the Agreement is signed with the Registrar, the Registrar will proceed the application to CNNIC and notify the Applicant once the registration is completed.

V. CNNIC Dispute Resolutions:
1. Rules for CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (该网址不再展示
2. CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (该网址不再展示
(此文由webperson在2007-03-20 17:17:27编辑过)
2007-03-20 16:56:00   此文章已经被查看818次   
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