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7月2,3日学习A-from assist to asunder
1 assist vt/i
scientist assisted us in dealing with the problem
2 associate vt
think of sth in connection with sth else
christmas is usually associated with parties and giving presents
friend or partner in some activity,often in business
3 assortment nc
a number of things not all of the same kind
assorted adj
of various kinds,mixed
assorted chocolates
4 assume vt
suppose,take to be true,pretend to hv sth
let us assume that u r right
he assumed a look of surprise
5 assure vt
tell sb/sth very firmly so that he feels safe or certain
i assure you that i will do everything i can to help you
the only way to assure success is to work hard
6 asthma nu
disease which causes difficulty in breathing
7 astir adv/prep
moving ab-t(esp in an exicted way)
8 astonish vt
fill with sudden wonder
9 astound vt
fill with great surprise(usu stronger than astonish)
10 astray adv/prep
away from the correct path
11 astride adv/prep
with one leg on each side
        sit astride a fence
12 astronaut nc
people who travels in a spaceship
13 astronomy nu
study of the sun,planets,stars and other objects in space
14 astute adj
quick in deciding which is best for oneself,clever
15 asunder adv
into pieces
break sth asunder
(此文由远离尘嚣在2003-07-03 16:40:07编辑过)

long arm of coincidence here~
2003-07-03 16:36:13   此文章已经被查看32次   
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