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我小时候最喜欢的教材不是新概念、徐国章,而是一部非常非常老的《跟我学》follow me.但是好像已经绝迹江湖了,而且几乎没人记得了。因为这个教材很有趣味性,特别逗,每天睡觉前听磁带边听边笑,好多段几乎都能背出来。所以在年纪小的时候,口语就很流利。



我现在推荐一个片子,不知道是不是适合,反正我觉得挺好玩的,很英式,也很无厘头。叫做Black Books。介绍在这里:
Black Books is a second-hand bookshop in London run by an Irishman named Bernard Black. He is probably the planet's worst-suited person to run such an establishment: he makes no effort to sell, closes at strange hours on a whim, is in a perpetual alcoholic stupor, abhors his customers (sometimes physically abusing them) and is often comatose at his desk. Help comes in the lumpy shape of Manny Bianco, a hairy, bumbling individual who (almost by osmosis) becomes Bernard's assistant. Manny is not exactly great at the job either but he is a million times better than Bernard. Next door is Fran, an anxious, frustrated woman who (in the first series only) runs a sort of new-age shop selling the most unlikely bits of arty junk. Fran is friends with Bernard and, through him, with Manny; together the trio become embroiled in escapades that are sometimes extreme or violent or fantastically ludicrous, and always bizarre.


2007-03-29 17:53:40   此文章已经被查看73次   
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