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As law-abiding and educated citizens, 我们应该有我们的社会责任感。修改如下:
A big "can" (journal)

There is a city train Line 13 running through HLG. It is more convenient and much faster than buses. So every morning large crowds of people take Line 13 to work and school.

The train runs in the open air in some places and in the sheltered tunnels in other places.

Every train has four compartments. The compartments look and feel like big cans of sardines, especially in the morning rush hours. Too many people crowd into the limited space and are squeezed among each other. I happen to take the "can" to work every morning as well. It is certainly not the most comfortable way of traveling.

I hope the government will take measures to improve public transportations and build more roads and subways for us citizens.
2007-04-09 19:23:18   此文章已经被查看80次   
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