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JFK, Jackie Items Slated for Auction
Sat Jul 12,10:43 AM ET Add U.S. National

MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. - Hundreds of items owned by President Kennedy and his wife, including a personal journal he kept during the 1960 presidential campaign, will be auctioned this month.

The memorabilia — which includes clothes, photos, souvenirs, prayer cards from his funeral and other keepsakes — are owned by two women who worked for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis while she was first lady. Mary B. Gallagher was Mrs. Kennedy's personal secretary for 11 years until 1964, and Providencia Paredes was her personal assistant for six years until 1965.

The items will be sold July 19 during an auction at Dawson's Auctioneers & Appraisers in Morris Plains.

Along with the president's journal, which is expected to draw bids of up to $25,000, and other handwritten items, buyers also will be able to bid on autographed copies of his inaugural address, a pair of boxer shorts with a "Jack Kennedy" label sewn to the waistband, and dresses and shoes worn by his wife.

The memorabilia will be on display at the auction house as of Sunday. The items also can be viewed on the Web site operated by Hantman's Auctioneers & Appraisers, the Potomac, Md.-based company overseeing the sale, and bids will be accepted on the eBay auction site.

long arm of coincidence here~
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