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Expansion of U.S. Financial Services Industry: China agreed to remove a block on the entry of new foreign securities firms and resume licensing securities companies, including joint-ventures, in the second half of 2007. In addition, China will announce before SED-III that it will allow foreign securities firms to expand their operations in China to include brokerage, proprietary trading and fund management. This will create opportunities for U.S. firms and provide new competition and expertise in the Chinese securities industry.
Increased Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFIIs) Quotas: To develop broader and deeper integration into the global financial market, China will raise the quota for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors from $10 billion to $30 billion.
The United States also welcomes China's May 10, 2007 announcement to expand QDII investment to include equity investment. This change can help diversify financial sector assets in China, which in turn can help enhance financial sector stability.

2007-05-24 21:49:59   此文章已经被查看185次   
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