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Acquire all the shares 收购所有股份
In one lump sum in cash 以现金方式一次性
FY 全年
Full year 全年
Weighted average EPS 加权平均每股收益
year-on-year 逐年
average return on net assets 平均净资产收益率
average revenue from their main business 平均主营业务收入
weighted net asset value per share 加权每股净资产
express reservations about the figures in the report 出具保留意见
three consecutive years 连续三年
special treatment ST
receive "special treatment" status ST带帽
have "ST" status cancelled ST摘帽
return to profit 恢复赢利
pretax profit 税前利润
final dividend 末期股息
compile according to Chinese accounting standards 按中国会计准则编制
The value of inventory 存货总值
exclusion of extraordinary items 扣除非经常性损益
2003-07-22 15:36:13   此文章已经被查看76次   
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