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traffic accident
traffic accident

This noon ,I see a traffic accident happening at a crossroad near my home .
At that moment ,two person take a motorcycle from north to south cross the road , while the light on the direction is green .

At exactly that moment ,I see a black car run quickly form west to east
.The light on its direction is red but obviously the driver ignore it .

I am nervous very much .

Just one second !

Something happen in just one second . With a sound ,the car hit the motorcycle .I would stop it if I was god .

The man on the rear seat is threw in the air and
and droped on the ground heavily and
the driver of motorcycle is threw into the ground ahead .

Two person must be dizzy and don't move again .

The car stop just now and serveral person come out and go towards the two man on the ground .

Someone call the policy and hospital .

I stand at eight meter away from the spot .I see the whole thing without wink .

I am shocked and don't believe my eyes .

A short while time ,I feel scared so leave the spot .

Althought I am a man ,I feel afraid .

The danger is around us and the accident is coming so rapidly ,no any omen or sign .

I will be more carefully to cross the road .And I don't want to see that again .
2007-07-07 18:57:34   此文章已经被查看222次   
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