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1. What did the spider do on the computer?

Make a website. (Spider是蜘蛛的意思,cobweb是蜘蛛网的意思,web同时又是网络的意思,这里幽默的运用了一语双关!)

2. Why did the boy eat his homework?

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.

(这句话大家都意会了吧? It's a piece of cake to understand the humor in it.)

3。Why can't a leopard hide?

Because he's always spotted.
(Spot有两个意思,一个是名词“斑点”,一个是动词“看见”, 新概念三册第一课“A puma at large"中就有这个词的多种含义。因为美洲豹身上有斑点(总是被看见,所以它藏不起来。)

Do you like it? English is fun and many words needs to be chewed and digested for better understanding. Good luck and have a ball learning!

------ Pathway English
2007-07-21 12:27:46   此文章已经被查看158次   
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