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等    级:长老
经 验 值:326
魅 力 值:278
龙    币:1816
积    分:814.2
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Cultural and Education Section, British Embassy, Beijing

The British Council operates in China as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy.

English Teacher (北京市)
发布日期: 2003-08-01

We are seeking an experienced native English speaker to work as a part time English Teacher based on 20 hours per week. This post is initially for six months. The successful candidate will be responsible for providing language support to our Chinese staff, selecting suitable teaching materials, planning teaching programmes, delivering quality language teaching, conducting regular student administration, assessing progress and providing reports on the programme to senior managers.

Skills and qualifications:

Native English speaker
Candidates must have at least two years full-time English teaching experience
Track record of providing effective teaching methods
Exceptional inter-personal and communication skills are essential

Salary is negotiable according to skills and experience

If you are interested, please submit a completed standard application form to . Application Form is linked to this advert.

Applicants must outline how their experience and skills match the essential and desirable skills and experience required for the post. Applicants who do not meet all essential competencies will not be considered for short listing.

Deadline for applications is 15 August 2003.

Please see 该网址不再展示 more information about our work in China.


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