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You are improving...Here are some suggestions and corrections:
Today I had an unpleasant experience.(开头简洁明快,good!) After I had had breakfast, I went to down town (改为:went downtown. Downtown是一个词) to take a (改为:an) English class which I had prepared it (去掉it) for the (改成 a) whole week.

But I did not know the exactly (改为exact) way to the destination, so I took the subway first (and) then transferred (加 to) another (a,第一次出现) taxi. I supposed (用assumed更好,假设和想当然的意思) that the taxi driver would bring(改为take) me to the right place. But as soon as I just (去掉just) wanted to get off, I found that it was not my way (改成:it was the wrong place). In the meantime I was shock at what I did, I did not fetch my wallet, that mean there was no money to pay to the taxi driver. (I was shocked to find out that I had left my wallet at home!)

I explained to him (加上the situation). Fortunately, he said it doesn’t (didn't) matter. I only could say sorry to him and then got off the car. (I apologized profusely to him and then got off.)

At that moment, it was in less than 10 minutes, my class would soon start but I still did not know my way. (改为:At that moment, there were only ten minutes to go before class starts, but I was still as lost as ever.) It was obvious that I must to (must是情态动词,不用to) ask someone. On the way I asked for (ask即可,ask/ask for的区别在新概念二册14课难点中有) several people, nobody however, could give me the exactly answer. (However, nobody could give me a definite answer).

After 15 minutes (Fifteen minutes later), I eventually (finally好些,eventually有些太正式) arrived at the school. I met the teacher of (加 the, 表示限定)training centre, and said I had a lesson this morning. To my surprise, she answered that the class has changed to another time (had been cancelled). I got very angry immediately, for no one (加上had,过去完成时)told me about it (for表示原因的用法在新概念三册中很多,可以总结一下)。

and nothing else I could do on this occasion...
(Yet, there was nothing I could do about it but to leave the school disappointed.新概念三册Lesson 2有这个句型。)

Overall, you did a good job! Keep writing and you will become an excellent writer!
2007-07-22 14:06:41   此文章已经被查看315次   
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