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Dona Dona, 一个小牛犊在去市场被卖掉得路上,看到天上飞翔得小鸟,有感而唱,自由是多么得宝贵!
Joan Baez - Dona Dona

On a wagon bound for market
There's a calf with a mournful eye
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Dona Dona Dona Dona
Dona Dona Dona Don
Dona Dona Dona Dona
Dona Dona Dona Don

Stop complaining, said the farmer
Who told you a calf to be
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallows so proud and free

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Dona Dona Dona Dona
Dona Dona Dona Don
Dona Dona Dona Dona
Dona Dona Dona Don

Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But who ever treasures freedom
Like the swallow has leaned to fly

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Dona Dona Dona Dona
Dona Dona Dona Don
Dona Dona Dona Dona
Dona Dona Dona Don


Joan Baez:

2007-09-14 17:42:08   此文章已经被查看111次   
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