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8月21日阅读, 每日周刊~
'Movin' Out' Cast To Open U.S. Open Salute

Movin' Out (AP Photo)
Aug 21, 2003

By Robert Kahn
Staff Writer

August 21, 2003, 1:06 AM EDT

Alec Baldwin will emcee, and the cast of "Movin' Out" will perform Monday as part of "A U.S. Open Salute to New York," the live opening-night telecast of the two-week-long, Queens-based tennis tournament.

While nothing has been announced publicly, a representative for Baldwin in Los Angeles yesterday confirmed the Massapequa native would host the event, which will air beginning at 7 p.m. on the USA network.

In addition, cast members from the Broadway musical "Movin' Out" will perform three songs during the broadcast.

Tony-nominated pianist Michael Cavanaugh will open the ceremony with "New York State of Mind," which normally serves as the show's curtain call number.

Later in the ceremony, Cavanaugh will be joined by Tony-nominated dancers Elizabeth Parkinson and Keith Roberts for performances of "Uptown Girl" and "Shameless."

"I used to play tennis," Cavanaugh noted yesterday. "My serve was about two miles an hour. So if I'm going to be on a tennis court, it's for the best that I'll be singing and not playing."

Another entertainment highlight of the broadcast is expected to come from Tiffany Evans, a once-homeless junior Star Search winner, who will be on hand to sing a patriotic song, backed up by two choirs.

long arm of coincidence here~
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