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A Privat English Party at this Saturday
This saturday afternoon (1:30p.m~ 3:30p.m.)i want to hold a party in Meteor Garden II to make friends.

the party's theme is about english and i susppect more or less then 10 persons would be perfect.

everyone in this party should speak in english.

of coures the party is for free, and i will give you guys a topic
but each one should prepare a joke for us at first

the party offers the guests games and drinks, and u can bring some food to share, if you like.

do u want to come? if u like, plz sign in this post and contect with me via QQ:10248244,or in HLG English Garden QQ group 40061006, find Echo.

no matter u r english is good or poor, no matter if u r a foreigner, Echo is waiting for your coming.
2007-11-07 16:26:04   此文章已经被查看86次   
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