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About Sunday V8 English Time
I noticed there were not many people hitting V8 Sunday English Time for the past 2 weeks. THat is the reason I did not post announcement there. I have to say sorry to the young lady who was waiting for me there yesterday. I know this because the Bar Manager Mr Dong told me this.

Also this is to ask for suggestions on that English Time every week. Please vote yes if you would like to come by tailing this post. If you have no interest, just leave it alone. The Bar Manager offered to provide with considerable convenience to English Time Attendants. That is why I ask.

Also I am thinking which day would be better for this activity, Friday or Sunday? Let me have your mind.
(此文由marconi在2003-08-25 21:06:29编辑过)

Marconi :)
2003-08-25 21:05:27   此文章已经被查看43次   
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