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博为思英语成人英语沙龙: 唇枪舌剑 ――― 9个英语小辩论

We are always keen on talking about things closely related to our lives. So let's have some mini debates this Saturday to see if you agree or disagree with the following opinions.

我们热衷于讨论部分与我们生活紧密相连的话题,因为它们可以开启我们的思维,展开我们的想象,张开我们的嘴巴,练习我们的英语口语。以下就是这样一些话题, 本周六,让我们来进行英语小辩论 ――― do you agree or disagree with the following?

1. If they raise the price of cigarettes a lot, people will stop smoking.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

2. If the price of gas goes up, people will drive less.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

3. If people work only four days a week, their lives will be better.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

4. If people have smaller families, they will have better lives.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

5. If women do not work outside the home, their children will be happier.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

6. If a women becomes the leader of this country, a lot of things will change for the better. ( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

7.If children watch a lot of violent programs on TV, they will become violent themselves.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

8. If people watch less TV, they will spend more time with their families.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

9. If teachers do not give tests, students will not study.
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

如果你有无尽的好观点,欢迎大家带到英语沙龙里来和大家分享。See you Saturday evening at 8:15!
2007-12-12 12:57:52   此文章已经被查看453次   
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