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your alias always reminds me of MACARONI.
I am afraid you didn’t catch my meaning completely. The word “attitude” by you is not as same as that by me. What’s your point here? What’s your ATTITUDE mean? Where there’s a will there’s a way? No one could make thing perfect without needs from heartfelt. Think clearly, why do your need English? What’s your purpose? For English itself or for any other business? Purpose decides methods, then results. To LEARN or to STUDY, it’s indeed a question……..

Btw, you have at least 4 typos, too many LONG sentences and a little bit chinglish, forgive me straightness please. : )

[b]C\\\'est la vie.[/b]
2003-09-04 22:09:21   此文章已经被查看108次   
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