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Natural English Philosophy
When people are getting crazy with English, we insist on a natural way of speech. After all, we talk naturally in most cases. :)
Language is more a skill to most English learners instead of a study. The natural acquisition of a language, which is taking place in babies and toddlers, is the most effective way of oral language learning. As adults, we might be much more "sophisticated" than babies, but unfortunately we don't perform as well in terms of speech learning. Natural English believes that as adults we might as well temporarily forget about the tough side of English language and get back to the very basics. Simple English is good English and that's why natives speak more naturally. They started using it before they were sent to kindergartens. We HAVE the right making mistakes because it is the imperative part of learning. Children learn faster because they constantly make mistakes and they don't feel bothered. Face-saving is not that important if you decide that you will achieve a better level of spoken English.The process of spoken English learning is an rewarding and fun adventure, even when we make mistakes.


Marconi :)
2003-11-20 11:40:19   此文章已经被查看55次   
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