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Christmas party for kids learning English
Hi, neighbours!

Our daughter is 9 , Grade 4 student now,who lived in Canada with us for 2 years and speaks fluent ,standard and perfect English. We would like to organize a Christmas party for kids who have interests in learning English.

Time: Every weekend, 6:30-8:30 pm, Starting from Christmas eve
Place: Tianhuiyuan, 200m2,two story-flat
Activity: English riddles,English games,reading and listening contests with small
Christmas gifts provided, English songs,hide and seek,English phrase learning..

Environment: Huge Christmas tree, table tennis table,Spacious room.Whole bunch of
toys, , keyborad..

Participants: Kids above 8 , speaking some or a little English

We hope it can be a regular English party for our kids in Huilongguan area and the best in Beijing.

Have a nice day
Lily and John
2003-12-13 11:45:52   此文章已经被查看72次   
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