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Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the English Mimic Show and Singing Party!

First I would like to say thank you to all my friends, David, Madony, April, Bird, Sherling, Water and everyone of you here today, whose efforts made Natural English and this party possible.

We are also highly honored to have presence of HLG VIP guess 北方的狼、俗人、洋葱头etc. We may have heard of each other for long time on the Net, here I would like to say a special thank you to Chuck Liu: “ Thank you for the HLGnet, Chuck! It makes HLG a different community which is closely bonded”

Actually people in this community know each other, help each other, care for each other, and today, party together! And we may learn English together!

English learning has been a schoolwork subject that we have been working hard for good scores in tests. That is why we don’t speak it even if we have studied it for so many years. But it can be fun; today we are going to prove it.

Today is a unique moment because it combines Christmas celebration, friendship, fun and English learning. I believe you will find this party not only an English party but also an occasion that bond strengthened between people and maybe, between present and future.

Thank you!


Marconi :)
2003-12-22 01:50:44   此文章已经被查看91次   
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