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Thank you for the suggestions.
You have some very good suggestions. I fully agree with you in terms of there are people out there who care about this forum and want to do good things to it. I am glad this has triggered some really good conversations regarding how to improve the "English Corner". In my view, 版主 is someone who is NOT going to get paid (hehe), and someone who is going to be responsible, reliable and puts all his/her heart in making this an interesting place for people to come in. 版主 should also be able to start topics when traffic is slow.

The "English Corner" is the bulletin board to publish notifications for activities like "Party in English" or "Party in French". These parties and classes are seriously important ways of learning and gathering interests in English/French, I am not diminish the importance of these parties and classes, however the on-line forum "English Corner", which serves as the bulletin board should be run independently because some people like me who are not able to attend these parties and classes can still post in this forum and make this an interesting place.
(此文由simacor在2004-02-28 01:28:47编辑过)
2004-02-28 01:21:00   此文章已经被查看60次   
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