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Here is my version.
An old man and his wife had a lovely puppy. One day, the old man went to their son's house, before he left for the night, he called his wife. The wife took the puppy to greet the old man on his way home. The puppy ran fast, it met the old man before his wife did, so it turned and ran back to the wife again. The puppy jogged back and forth between the old man and his wife until they finally met.

Assume the old man and his wife started at the same time, he walked 6 miles per hour, she walked 4 miles per hour, the puppy's speed was 10 miles per hour, and the distance between the two houses was 10 miles. Ignore the time spent when the puppy made the turns. How many miles had the puppy run when the old man met his wife?
(此文由simacor在2004-03-12 13:11:06编辑过)
2004-03-12 13:06:14   此文章已经被查看35次   
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