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A Joke
A distinguished-looking man entered a New York bank and inquired about taking out a loan for $1,000.
"What security can you offer?" the banker asked.
"My BMW is parked out front," he said. "I will be away for a few weeks. Here are the keys."
A month later, the man returned to the bank and paid off the loan, $1,017 with interest.
"Pardon me for asking," the banker said, "but why a $1,000 loan for a man of your obvious means?"
"Very simple, " he replied. "Where else can you store a BMW for a month for only seventeen dollars?"
2004-05-10 20:15:42   此文章已经被查看22次   
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  • A Joke-池剑 (559字节 阅读:22次 跟贴:0 2004/05/10 20:15)

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