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Another Joke to Share
A family from the country went to New York and visited all the massive multi-storey department stores. They had
never left their home before and were spellbound by what they saw.
The father and his son visited a particular store and were fascinated by the lifts, although they did not know
what they were or what they did.
"What are those silver things with doors?" said the son.
"I don't know - let's stand here and watch for a while," said the father.
Shortly an overweight old lady struggled up to the lift door, pressed the call button and went in.
Thirty seconds later the door opened and out stepped a gorgeous 24 year old blond with beautiful long legs,
wearing a micro-micro-mini skirt.
"Quick!" said the father to his son, "Go and get your mother!"
2004-05-20 18:04:43   此文章已经被查看54次   
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