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令人迷糊的常用英文字眼 (下)

令人迷糊的常用英文字眼 (下)
18. Take chances:意思是冒险,也就是 take a risk 或 take a chance 。反之,take no chances 就是不冒险,很小心 (to be cautious; careful)的意思。
I take no chances =I take no risk (我很小心)

而take (one's) chances 则是"准备冒险"的意思。
例如: The soldier must take his chances in the battle. (士兵必须时刻准备在战场上冒生命的危险。)
Some people are more prone to take chances than others. (有些人比其他人更倾向于冒险。)

19. Dog's life:意思是生活中的困境或痛苦的日子 (hard and oppressive time or difficult time in life)
例如:Over the past years she led a dog's life with her alcoholic husband. (在过去的岁月里,她同酒鬼丈夫在一起过着痛苦的生活。)
Many new immigrants in the U.S. initially endure a dog's life. (许多初次到美国的新移民开始都要熬过一段艰苦的日子)

20. En masse:这是法文,意思是全体人员,一同,一起 (As a whole; a large group of people) , 按照字面意义看,就是 in mass的意思。
例如:The audience applauded en masse upon the completion of his speech. (他的演讲博得了全场观众的热烈掌声。)
Employees marched en masse to the company headquarters for pay raise. (全体员工到公司总部要求加薪。)

21. Con-man:是指骗子或坏蛋 (crook),专门设法取得他人信任后再行骗的人。(someone who tries to gain your confidence, but later betray you)
例如:Be careful of con-men; they may try to rip you off. (小心那些骗子,他们会骗取你的钱财。)
Beware of telephone con-men who may solicit for a fake charity. (注意那些在利用电话假装慈善乐捐的骗子。)
(不过通常不用 con-woman,也不用 con-person 或 con-people。)

22. Walking dead man:就是身体健康很差的人。
例如:Due to severe illness, he now becomes a walking dead man. (由于他生了一场大病,所以身体很差。)
注意: 这个词只用于第三人称,所以不要说:"You are a walking dead man",这样是很不礼貌的。 而且不用来形容女人,所以不能说:She is a walking dead woman. 此外,也不说:They are walking dead persons (或 people) 。

23. Take heart:意思是"鼓起勇气,振作起来,不要悲观 (cheer up; don't worry; don't let something get you down; be cheerful; don't be discouraged)
例如:Take heart, Mr. Chen, things will get better. (陈先生,不要烦恼,情形会好转的。)
We have taken heart from the news of victory. (胜利的消息让我们为之一振。)

24. Happy-go-lucky:意思是无忧无虑的,乐天派的 (not worry about anything; care free)
例如:He has been happy-go-lucky all his life. (他一生都是无忧无虑的乐天派。)
It is always better being happy-go-lucky versus being depressed. (乐观总比闷闷不乐好。)
2004-06-07 09:33:25   此文章已经被查看79次   
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