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令人迷糊的常用英文字眼 (中)
令人迷糊的常用英文字眼 (中)

9. real bomb:在口语里是指在公众场所或舞台上表演失败或表现欠佳。通常与 real 用在一起。
例如:The show was a real bomb, so I cut out early. (这个剧很糟糕,所以我提前退场了。)(cut out = leave)

如果 bomb 作名词用,意思就是炸弹;作动词,则是轰炸,或失败、极坏的意思。(very bad) 例如: A U.S. fighter dropped a bomb over Iraq. (一架美国轰炸机往伊拉克扔了一颗炸弹) (作名词)= A U.S. fighter bombed Iraq. (作动词)
The play has bombed. (这场戏演砸了)

值得注意的是:"real bomb"有時也指"真正的炸弹"。例如:
The police found a real bomb in the building. (警察在建筑物中发现了一颗真炸弹)

10. neck and neck:不相上下,难分高低。(remain tie in any competition)
例如:The horses came in neck and neck across the finish line. (赛马到达终点时难分上下)
Last year George Bush and Al Gore almost remained neck and neck in the race for White House. (去年布什和戈尔在大选中几乎不分上下)

11. through thick and thin:甘苦与共,共同分担艰难困苦 (go through all adversity)
例如:She feels like a fool for sticking with her husband through thick and thin.((她觉得和丈夫一起吃苦受罪太傻了)
He has walked through thick and thin during the past five years. (过去的五年中,他历尽辛酸)

12. cry wolf:"狼来了"的假警报。(false alarm; call attention for something which is not true or not serious)
例如:Don't cry wolf unless you really need help.(除非你真的需要帮助,不然不要发"狼来了"的假警报)
Crying wolf is not a responsible behavior. (发假警报是不负责任的行为)
Parents should teach their children not to cry wolf. (父母应该教育孩子不要喊"狼来了"的假警报)

13. banner year:意思是特别得意或特别好的一年(如升官、加薪、赢得奖励等等)(a wonderful or fantastic year)
例如:This has been a banner year for Mrs. Lin.(这是林太太最得意的一年)
With a promotion and marriage, he really had a banner year in 1998.(1998 年他又升职又结婚,真是非常的得意)

有时老外也用 banner month,但不用 banner day。
例如:Mr. A had a banner month at his car dealership. (A先生这个月的车子卖的很好)

14. shell company:这是指假冒或有名无实的公司行号,也就是所谓「皮包」公司。(fake company; just make it up)
例如:They used fake receipts from shell companies with no staff or premises. (他们的假公司没有员工和经营场址,却开出了假收据)
Shell companies are illegal in the U.S. (在美国开皮包公司是犯法的) (company 的复数是 companies)

15. no dice:意思是不可能发生的事情,不会改变的,徒劳的,无用的;也就是"不行"。(something not going to happen; not going to change; absolutely not)(dice本意是骰子,单复数相同)
例如:No dice, I will not change my position on this matter. (不行,我不会对这件事改变立场)
There was no dice he would be able to get this job. (他不可能得到这份工作) (no dice = no way)
He asked her for more money, but she said no dice to him. (他要她多给些钱,但她说不行)
I tried to contact Mr. Wang, but no dice.(设法与王先生联络,但是徒劳无功)

16. dislocated worker:指失业或正在找工作的人(refers to a person who lost a job or still looking for a job) (老外为了礼貌含蓄,才有此说法)
例如:There are 200 dislocated workers in our community when the company closed its door. (公司倒闭后,我们社区里有两百人失业了)
To avoid being a dislocated worker, one needs a good education with skills. (为了不失业,个人需要接受一些良好技能的教育)

17. stick-in-the-mud:这是指一些落伍保守,墨守成规者;或是思想落后,毫无进取心的人,就像陷入泥淖一样。(old fashioned or unprogressive person)(多作名词用)
例如:He is a boring stick-in-the-mud. (他是一个循规蹈矩的人)
Being a stick-in-the-mud, people don't value his opinions.(他是呆头呆脑的,大家都不重视他的意见)
(注:如果是专指"老顽固",通常是用 old fogy 或 old foggy;不过 stick-in-the-mud 既可指年轻人又可指老人)

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