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Why my home rather than a language institute?
My very unique home program assures you 250 hours of continued studying, listening, reading, writing, speaking and understanding. At institutes in your country, the same cost would provide perhaps 50 hours of private instruction.Enjoy views of nature, the pool ... OPTIMUM individual attention with only two participants per session; or, a private session may be requested and structured exclusively for you.
A home study gives you the opportunity to meet and communicate with Americans of all ages and walks of life.
In institutes, students of the same mother tongue usually speak their language during recreational time. I help you to learn to use English with your countrymen. In business meetings you cannot speak English with foreigners and your language with cohorts. It is inappropriate and unbusinesslike.

(此文由fengyun125在2004-09-01 15:23:20编辑过)
2004-09-01 15:22:21   此文章已经被查看26次   
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