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Expected revenue (based on final guaranteed attendance) and the balance of payment must be settled by cash/credit card upon the completion of function.

In the event that the function's total bill falls short of this minimum revenue, the difference will be charged as room rental.


The hotel will be holding at the space listed in the contract for **** . Once the function is confirmed. Should the Out side catering, or any specified function on any listed date be cancelled , the cancellation charges equivalent to the total amount of the whole event will be imposed.

Changes, Additions, Modification
All changes, additions, deletions, or stipulations including corrective lining out by either the Hotel or ***, will not be considered agreed to ,or binding to the other, unless such modification has been initiated or otherwise approved in writing by the other.


By signing and returning this agreement before 15 Oct,2004, this agreement will constitute a binding contract between the parties. The individuals signing below represent that each is authorised to bind his or her party to this agreement. In the event a fully-signed copy of this agreement is not received by the date above, all rooms and space referred to herein will be released, and neither party will have any further obligations under this agreement.
2004-10-15 11:24:24   此文章已经被查看58次   
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