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日,hello, everyday, come in and learn english with me.
1. I quit! 我不干了!

2. Let go! 放手!
let go 放开,放手,松开。经常与of搭配
It is time to let go 得放手时须放手
I won't let go. 我不放手。
Let go of me! 放开我!

3. No way! 不行!
Not a chance! =No way 不行,不可能, 没门
【例句1】 A: Let’s have pizza for lunch.B: No way! I hate pizza.
【例句2】 Give up our tea break? No way! 让我们放弃工间休息时间?没门儿!
【例句3】 I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. No way! It is her fault.
in no way=in no sense/way/wise/case =under no circumstances=in no circumstances=决不
【例句1】The result should in no way be seen as a defeat for the government.
【例句2】He is in no way satisfactory with his grades.
【例句3】She is in no way to blame. 根本不应该怪她。

4. Come on. 来吧(赶快)
Come on常用来催促或鼓励别人。意为:“快、赶快、来吧、加油”等
【例句1】Say us one song, Jane, come on! 来吧,简,给我们唱首歌吧。
【例句2】Come on.I will introduce you.来,我来给你做个介绍。
【例句3】Come on,Jim!I will show you some pictures.
【例句4】Come on,Bruce!You are falling behind!加油啊!布鲁斯,你已经落后了!
Come on还可表示“别这样”
【例句1】A: Come on! Baby. Let's talk. Don't give me the silent treatment.
A: 别这样, 宝贝! 我们来谈一谈嘛! 别对我下冷战啊!
【例句2】Come on ,it's not as difficult as you think. 别这样,英语并没有你想的那么难。

5. What’s up?近来过得如何?
What's up?"和"How are you doing?" "How's it going?"以及"What's new?"……,都是美国人常说的寒暄语,一般认为是从黑人语言中而来,是很常用的打招呼方式。
"What's up?"就是问对方近来如何,有点像中文里的“最近怎样”,通常没什么事就会回答"Not much"或者"Nothing"。
A: Hey! What’s up? B: Nothing much! As usual.

6. I mean it.我是说真的 = I am serious.
A: Do you really want to quit your job? B: I mean it.

7. Mind your own business.别多管闲事
A: What were you talking about? B: Mind your own business.
This is none of your business. 这不关你的事.

8. Hold on.请稍等
A: May I leave a message, please? B: Hold on.

9. Whatever!随你的便 = you say. 随你的便.
A: Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow? B: Whatever!
英语中常需要表达 “请便”, “随便”这种意思, 常用以下几种形式:
1. By my guest. 请便。 常用于为他人提供方便或答应别人的请求时。
2. Suit yourself 随你便。 在别人就某事征求自己意见时使用。
3. Whatever you say. 怎么说都行。再对别人的话或意见做出反应使用。
= You are the boss! 悉听尊便!
此外, 还有一些较灵活的表达方式:
4. Please yourself. 请便, 请随便。
5. Do as you wish. 请便, 随便
6. Do what you please. 随你的便。
7. Help yourself. 请便,请随便。
8. Take it or leave it! 要不要随你的便!

10. Nonsense! 胡说八道! = It's bullshit!
A: Tell me the truth. I don’t want nonsense. B: I am telling the truth.
stuff and nonsense:胡说八道
talk nonsense 胡说八道 talk sense 说正经话
Stop talking nonsense!别胡说八道。
(此文由paul-hlg在2004-10-21 11:00:45编辑过)
2004-10-21 10:59:09   此文章已经被查看75次   
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