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日,hello, everyday, come in and learn english with me.
31. I'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。

32. That's neat. 这很好。
It’s cool 、 It’s neat。
比如朋友告诉你I am going to college this year(我考上大学了),你就可以高兴地说That’s cool(很棒)。再比如有人告诉你I’ve been to the moon(我去过月球),听到这种几乎不可能发生在一般人身上的事,你就可以说Oh, that’s neat(喔,太酷了)!

33. To be careful! 一定要小心!
We shouted to her to be careful. 我们大声告诉她一定要当心。
Do be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时一定要小心。
34. Do l have to 非做不可吗?

35. He is my age. 他和我同岁。

36. I'm on a diet.(我在节食)
;I have dieting for three weeks。(我已经节食了三星期)。
I'm supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食
37. No one knows. 没有人知道。

38. Take it easy. 别紧张。
Take it easy = Just relax.
Take it easy/放轻松
定义:relax, take one's time, stop exerting oneself放松;慢慢来;停止卖力工作avoid hard work or worry;have an easy time;live in comfort 轻松一点;不要太紧张;不要太劳累;不要操心;放心;休息
Take it easy, keep your temper.
例句1:When she gets home from work she likes to read the paper and take it easy.
例句2:Take it easy,there is no need to be nervous.放松一点,没有必要紧张。
例句3:You've been working hard all afternoon,Steve.Sit down and take it easy for a few minutes.斯蒂夫,你已经辛苦了一个下午,坐下放松一会儿。
例句4:The doctor said that Bob would have to take things easy for a while after he had his tonsils out.医生说鲍勃割过扁桃腺之后要休息一段时间,不要劳累。

39. What a pity! 太遗憾了!
What a pity that you can't come with us!  That's too bad! 真糟糕![太遗憾了!真可惜!]
That's a shame!
That's a pity!
What a shame!
What a pity!
"What a pity! We have missed the basketball game!" (真可惜,我们错过了这场篮球赛。)
What a pity! But we all know that failure is the mother of success. I believe we can beat them next time.
真可惜!但是我们都知道失败是成功之母, 我相信下次我们能打败他们
What a pity that her mother must always suffer!

40. Any thing else? 还要别的吗?
2004-10-26 15:21:42   此文章已经被查看45次   
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